
Monday, May 06, 2013

That's the spirit.

Reminder from sweet home;

1. Doa setiap kali/after solat agar Allah lapangkan hati & kuatkan kesabaran untuk terus bermujahadah mentaati perintahNya dan mencontohi Rasul-Nya dalam apa jua aspek kehidupan.

2. Doa agar Allah bimbing dan beri kebijaksanaan dalam mendidik diri agar dilembutkan hati untuk menerima kebaikan dan seterusnya menjadi insan soleh wa musleh.


Post PRU-13 in Malaysia.
Yang penting usaha. Allah tak tengok hasil, tapi Allah tengok usaha kita.
5 tahun lagi boleh?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dah empat.

Assalamualaikum earthlings.
It has been almost a year.. time flies really fast.

Not much. Just suddenly I got a feeling to write something. An acute syndrome maybe? 

Now in the second week of Medical posting, the fourth posting. At Temerloh. Yep, it's quite tough and interesting somehow. Wanna diagnose a disease when you can't even think of signs and symptoms of it. Have to read more though. Insha Allah, you'll get used to it.

No OT, no scope day but wards everyday. Slowly filling the log book.

Red zone is fun. When everyone is running towards you but you just stand still, and a second later you realize it's an X-ray.