
Sunday, May 20, 2007

teacher & mother

Happy Teacher's Day; 16 May

i have been tagged by nadia. hehehe, masih menyempat lagi neh.

1.Write about how much addicted you are toward something
2.Dont forget to include the percentage of 'addictedness' towards that thing
3.All with one condition. the total of percentage must reach 100%

& study >> 50% ; konon je ni. harap-harapnya..
& blogging >> 20% ; this should be more.. hahaha
& chocolate >> 20% ; sedappp!
& korean drama >> 10% ; terpengaruh dengan sorang budak tu.

esok chemistry paper 2. gotta go, pray for my best. nadia, kata nak mai sekolah tolong jawabkan periksa?

Saturday, May 12, 2007


study. f(x) = bla bla bla equal to zero? maximum or minimum value.. variance. kena ulang balik neh, lupa banyak dah.

homeostasis is the process which regulates physical and chemical factors in the internal environment through negative feedback mechanism. bila air dalam badan kita banyak, blood osmotic pressure decreases. urine output pula akan naik, kan? hehe

sudah. karang teralit.