the thing is; there are quite a few numbers of short letters left by the students. below is one that goes like this:
& this one student throw out her feelings on the paper.
ibu, susahnya. kakak tak boleh buat..the interesting part is this one student, where he voluntarily asked for repeat paper himself because he doesnt understand what he is studying. oh my.. I'm clueless.
maaf, saya tak tahu ni.
I thought this thingy have disappeared, because many times we student have been reminded to not leave 'surat rayuan' whatsoever during the exam because it will not be entertained ever.
umi: oh, kena ikut cakap dia ni~I guess it doesnt work for now? =D
p/s: trying to write in english :)
good girl!tlg parents check paper..hehehe
surat rayuan? try wat kt lectures kte, jd ke x. hak3 :P
ala, sekejap je pun kan~ he =D kira pun manual je.
@tasniim AHY
takpayah try. konfem tak jadi punye. lagi2 kalo tulis bahasa melayu. haha =P
qis, kalo tulis "aku bunuh kau", mgkin prof ezz paham kot.. haha..
yang tu biar suruh umu tulis, baru best =D
kalau paper objective mesti tak berpeluang nak appeal gitu..hik hik hik
haha, sah2 la. kalau buat jugak, kena tendang la paper tu =P
why do you need to TRY to write in English? i think you did well. *winks*
but crazy kan, cara mereka merayu. tak terfikir plak mase study2 dulu. huhu..
@atreyu strange
hehe, because I'm not so good in English :)
merayu tu pun ade nasibnya. kalau dapat lecturer yang lembut hati, bolehlah cari markah kesian ke. tapi kalau dapat lecturer yg keras hati, ape pun takde :)
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