erk, sebenarnya nak publish post tentang tag game ni ye. tiada kena-mengena dengan smart tag, touch n go ataupun yang sewaktu dengannya.
FIRST TAG by cik ummunailofar
1) What are you craving now?
* nak order satu baju ni through online. tapi till now, tak berjaya kerana cik sakura mempunyai problem untuk login akaun bank online-nya. adoila, kena sabar kejap. maklumlah, aku tak mempunyai akaun bank online ku sendiri. kalau tak, dah lama pokai~
2) Where is the place that you want to go most?
* nak places boleh tak? heee :D
3) If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
* dream come true eh? em, laptop satu! =P
4) What do you think about Prof Ezz?
* he's so kakkoi & lecturer yang best! seronok cara dia mengajar anatomy, bukanlah sekadar menghafal bujur-bujur. tapi kita perlukan imaginasi untuk memahami sesuatu pembelajaran itu. oh, sebelum terlupa, HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY, Prof Ezz & to all my lecturers in USIM, teachers in SMKAA, SRAZ and also tadika HUDA.
5) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
* YUPS! I do believe it because I've experienced it before. It is a beautiful & unique phenomenon if you think deeply about it.
6) If you have fault, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
* I love people to tell me but not in the public la, na?
7) Find a word to describe the person who tagged you!
* She really loves her pillow :D
and tagged by misszwen too. I'll just add her questions here:
4) Do you think you’re good looking and well-groomed?
*So-so :)
7) Find a word to describe the person who tagged you!
* She looks like Korean :) haritu, ternampak ada seseorang tu iras-iras misszwen ni masa perlawanan badminton di TV. ahaha
p/s: malas nak tag sape-sape.
p/s/s: SECOND tag tomorrow, the tag is kinda long :)
lama dah x tgk pelangi..
panas je kan akhir2 ni. nanti kalo hujan, tunggu sampai dia berhenti ye. untung nasib, dapatla tengok pelangi itu :)
melaka ujan tau,,
tiap hari, mandi hujan ke mandi air paip? heheh =P perlis pun ujan la, tapi still panas di mlm hari. adehh, rasa nak duduk dlm aircond je tiap hari~
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