Quoted back;
I'd like to hear your honest answers on this;
A guy in his late 30s came, told that he needed RM40 to go back to Lumut because his wallet was stolen and no one would help him. (tambah: Dan dia ada tunjuk salinan report polis bahawa dia hilang dompet)
What would you do?
kc laa pinjam...rm40 je kot. siannn p.cik tuh....he2...
p.s kes pe yg berlaku kt qis?
cuma takutnya kalo ade yg tipu je. hu
kes ni.
hu3...lupa2...dah bace dh lu tp xigt~ so, kiranye p.cik tuh pulangkan ke x duitnye?
takpun. haha. biarla kat dia.
kt kolej aku ad kes cmnih juga
Lelaki negro nih pandai membuat ayat utk memperdayakan pelajar2
@fakhrur razi
uu, tu lagi takut. tpi org negro ok lg, kurg kesian sikit. kalo yg melayu ni, cepat kesian. haha :P
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