
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

kenapa asyik sedu je ni

"Hic!" You've just hiccuped for what seems like the tenth time since you finished your big dinner. Wonder where these funny noises are coming from? The part to blame is your diaphragm. This is a dome-shaped muscle at the bottom of your chest, and all hiccups start here.

The diaphragm almost always works perfectly. When you inhale, it pulls down to help pull air into the lungs. When you exhale, it pushes up to help push air out of the lungs. But sometimes the diaphragm becomes irritated. When this happens, it pulls down in a jerky way, which makes you suck air into your throat suddenly. When the air rushing in hits your voice box, you're left with a big hiccup.

Some things that irritate the diaphragm are eating too quickly or too much, an irritation in the stomach or the throat, or feeling nervous or excited. Almost all cases of the hiccups last only a few minutes. Some cases of the hiccups can last for days or weeks, but this is very unusual and it's usually a sign of another medical problem.

sumber : kidshealth

ups, patutla. malam semalam aku makan banyak. sambal tumis sedap sangat, 10 bintang!! sudahnya, sepanjang solat isya' aku sedu tak berhenti. isk. macam mana nak hilangkan sedu ni? seksa jugak kan, bila lama-lama dok sedu. terganggu konsentrasi nak buat sesuatu. nak cakap pun, ada pause sekejap. hahaha :D
weh, hampa tau tak. ta hic! di, kami pegi makan kat bla bla hic! ayam goreng, ikan ba hic! kar. lepas makan tu, kami main gu hic! li dalam congkak. best wo bla bla bla. dah kenyang, tengok pulak cite hic! ni, bla bla bla. sambil dok te hic! ngok tu, dengar lagu victory korea suju nya hic! nyi bla bla. AHHHHHHH!!

aku cuba tengok kat internet ni, kot ade jalan penyelesaian yang bernas cara nak hilangkan sedu. banyak sangat kot cara dia; beratus-ratus, taktau la yang mana berkesan. ni antara cara-cara tersebut, jom kita tengok sama2. mungkin ada yang korang pernah try, takpe kita tengok je:

1. tahan nafas selama 10 saat. kalau terer, lagi lama pun boleh =P

2. seorang doktor dari University of Virginia pernah berkata "I cure my hiccups by filling a glass of water, bending over forward, and drinking the water upside down"

3. telan satu tablespoon gula kering. jangan telan coklat seketul dah!

4. yang paling teruja; having someone jump out and scare you when you're not expecting it

5. makan chocolate chips, tengok ini.

6. tutup dua2 telinga dengan jari, kemudian minum guna straw. erk, ape kaitan guna straw?

7. nyanyi & ketawa sekuat hati. ni nak buat karoke ke ape ni.

8. nak tau lagi? tengok kat sini

p/s: bunyi sedu ni pun ada macam-macam eh. ade yang biasa dan ade aku pernah dengar kuat juga. kesian pulak tengok.
p/s/s: senang cite, senyap masa makan. hoho :)


TasniimAHY said...
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TasniimAHY said...

aisehh. terdelete lak comment. i'd once tried using the 4th method to cure didi's hiccup. wat die terperanjat tetiba. mmg jd!!! tp something else also happened. hanya mereka yg tertentu je tau~~~~~ hak3

Lel said...

Hahaha.. niim2.. kejam sgt cr awk tu.. :p

balqis said...

apekah yg terjadi lepas tu? ho, mesti best ni~

niim memang camtu, haha =P

kyo_9 said...

gula kering? first time dengar~

balqis said...

gula kering tu gula biase kot. yang bketul-ketul petak kecik tu. he :D

ummu said...

adekah kite mempunyai
instinct yg same?
sy bru shje tertnye2
topik nie,,

balqis said...

la, yeke. nampaknya, kita lebih laju. YAY! buat topik same pun tkpe, tukar2 jd cite lain. boleh ke cmtu, haha.

DiA said...

straw sebab dua dua belah tangan dh guna tutup telinga, camne nak angkat gelas or botol air tu? :P

balqis said...

ha'ah la kan, tak tpikir pulak. adeh! bijak bijak :)