ada orang yang berilmu tapi diorang pandai share. Atau sudah belajar cara untuk share. Tu … cikgu-cikgu yang sedia ada sekarang ni. Ada juga orang yang tak pandai share. Dan biasanya dalam usia belasan tahun, orang-orang macam ni masih lagi belajar cara untuk share. Kengkadang diorang nak share, tapi diorang tak reti nak ajar. This may result in low self esteem among these kids. Seriously! So, beginilah. Kalau ada peluang, tanya bebudak pandai, dan kalau diorang tolong, Alhamdulillah. Kalau diorang tak tolong, fikir baik jer lah. Mungkin bukan sombong, tapi diorang belum cukup kemampuan nak bagi pemahaman kepada orang lain.credits to :
ayah : what is ECG?
aku : electrocardiogram. the conduction of impulse (haha, makna skema betul)
umi: takpaham.
aku : HEHE =D
reflection: a patient doesn't want to know what's the scientific meaning of ecg or whatsoever. they just want to know what disease they are having. simplify it for them.
oh.. am tired.
so when the time is hard
there’s no way to turn
as HE promise HE will always be there
to bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
and HE knows what’s in all in our heart
so when you lose your way
to Allah you should turn
as HE promise HE will always be there.
ceh buruk giler gambor aku!!
jap2 cam kenal lirik lagu tu.. uh spreading maher zain,,it is goood
ha3. sume sangatla gigigh pada hari jumaat itu terutamanya yg bbaju PINK~
kte tolong umu promote dia. nanti kasikla komisen sikit ye~
em, kte penah dgr 'orang baik takcakap dia baik. kalo orang tu ckp dia cute, cmne tu? haha =P
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